I am still fairly new to notebooking, but we are getting a little better each year. Two years old, we were told halfway through the year to start notebooking in at least one subject. Hesitant, yes I was. The next year (last year) we did it for Science and Social Studies. This year our district supply list (I dislike those!) asked for 5 composition notebooks so we decided we should put them to good use. We now have notebooks for Science, Social Studies, Writing, Math, and one for Family Message Journals.
I can openly admit, as a teacher, I definitely need improvements in notebooking, but I thought I would share some pages from our Social Studies notebooks. We call them content notebooks, but I've heard others call them Interactive Student Notebooks.
We start off with a Table of Contents (not pictured). Our first study was a continent and ocean review. It's not actually one of our standards, but we feel like students need this before we can cover everything else. You know, so they realize South Carolina is NOT the continent they live on! I teach them a little saying to remember the continents: North America married South America (because it looks like they are touching/holding hands) and they went to Europe on vacation. They had 4 children and they all started with the letter A: Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antartica.
Here are some pictures of a few things we've studied: Land Bridge Theory, Native Americans, and explorers.
I think the biggest thing I need help with is creating foldables. I did find this website that has lots of foldables for teacher's to use. SOCIAL STUDIES FOLDABLES
One idea we got from our 3rd grade teachers is to color the spine of the notebook a different color for each subject. This just makes it easier for students to identify their notebooks.
Green=Science (not pictured)
White=FMJ (not pictured)
Another thing with our notebooks is that students do not take them home unless they need to study for a test! Do you use notebooking in your classroom? If so, any helpful tricks/ideas?