Then, the students got to make pretend gunpowder, march, and pretend to be Patriot soldiers with a fake wooden musket. They loved that part!

We had a picnic lunch and then learned about the Musgroves, the family who lived here when British soldiers set up camp in their back yard.

We went on a 1 mile hike and walked to the river that soldiers crossed.

Positives: All students came and brought lunch. The kids asked wonderful, meaningful questions! They connected their experience to what they'd learned in class. They behaved pretty good, well most of them did.
Funny comments: "Mrs. Geren, oh my gosh we have walked so much I bet we lose 30 pounds." Haha, oh if only it worked that way. "Oh man, I just finally gained some weight and now with all this walking, I'm going to lose it." Kids say the funniest things!