It's Friday and we are one week closer to summer! As much as I love teaching, I am ready to enjoy summer. We have 14 days left with students! Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday linky party.
I got the BEST news this week!! I accepted a job at my dream school for next year! Praise the Lord! A couple months ago my son was accepted into a local Christian school. With this, I knew I would be leaving my current job. I knew there would be no way that I could get him to his school and be at my school on time. It was logistically impossible. So, I made the decision to leave my current teaching position at the end of this year. Bittersweet, but I knew in my heart it was the right choice for Easton and I've had no second thoughts.
During the touring and application process, I submitted my application to teach there. I just prayed that if God wanted me to teach there, he would help me. I had such a peace that if he did, it would work out. If he didn't, I'd help out in Easton's classroom as much as I could. I had two interviews and a mock lesson that went really well. I received a call this week and I was offered a contract for next year!! I'll be teaching 5th grade ELA and I could not be more EXCITED! God is so good!!
This week we began our monthly STEM challenge. This is from Smart Chick Teaching Resources. We LOVE these challenges!
The question is, "Can your group choose the liquid that will dissolve the peep in the fastest amount of time?" We are using canola oil, hydrogen peroxide, apple juice, Sprite, and water.
Out of 25 students, 21 thought that hydrogen peroxide would dissolve a peep in the shortest amount of time. 2 thought Sprite and 2 thought Canola oil. We shall see!
This week we have Book Fair so I purchased a few books to add to my classroom library. I'd never read any of them, but heard good things about them all. I just finished Rules today and LOVED it. I'll be reading Wonder next.
I also just signed up this week to attend a Scholastic warehouse book sale. I hope it's good! Has anyone attended one before?
#5 is simple - We have 14 days of school left! Woohoo! :) Have a fabulous weekend, friends!