This week we are celebrating Read Across America week. Today was camo day! Here I am in my camo gear this morning. I love dress up days! Fun!
We took a photo of the students who dressed up in my class, which is super blurry but a student took the picture.
I had some extra time the other day {which never happens}so we whipped out some centers, which the students loved! First was shamrock Math, which they loved! Who knew they'd love multiplication when it's written on glitter shamrocks?
They also worked in a Spelling center. Please ignore the mess on my classroom rug!
Another center was a game called Multiplication Top-It.
And finally, a partner reading center! They didn't have to read this book, but most students partner read this big book.
Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Woohoo!
I love Camo day! That's an awesome theme day. And great for you to have time for the centers. I might try the multiplication on shamrocks. It seems like as long as I make anything a race or competition, my 3rd graders are very interested!
I love a dress up day! So much fun. :)
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