Still Here!

I wanted to pop in real quick to let you all know that I am still here! I've been a little out of the blog loop for a few weeks. We've taken a break from our "school" stuff each day - hey, that's the beauty of having half of the year off and being a SAHM! ;) It's like an early summer, if you will.

We haven't been totally lazy. We've played a lot outside since our weather is beginning to warm up. Baseball, soccer, puppies, and I've been exercising!
We've played games like Operation. I am hoping the Easter bunny brings another fun board game for us to play.
We've (or I've) focused on my health, fitness, and weight loss. I'm documenting it over at soundsofsummer1 on Instagram if you would like to follow. Losing weight & maintaining weight loss has always been a struggle of mine. I really enjoy getting out in nature and just running, but I went "too hard, too fast" and have awful shin splints. It's been 3 weeks and they still hurt. Blah. So I've been working out with the elliptical instead of running.
I've began working on my resume, my cover letter, and my applications to teach this fall! Eeeekkkkk. I'll be mailing them out tomorrow. 
We've just been enjoying life, friends! Be back with school stuff soon! 


  1. Good luck on the job hunt! Your break looks fun. Thanks for reminding me I need to start running again myself. ;)

  2. I'm so glad you and E are getting this time together. Best of luck on the job hunt! Have districts began to post positions yet? In IL they don't really start popping up until later in the spring or summer
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  3. Sooo good to hear from you!!! Best of luck with your weight loss journey and with the job hunt. I'll think good thoughts for you!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings


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