Monday Made It {June 22}

Happy MOnday! I am linking up with Tara's Monday Made It over at 4th Grade Frolics. I love to see what other teachers create for Monday Made It and it always keeps me on my toes to complete my never ending to do list.

My first project was inspired by Leslie at Life in Fifth Grade. I love how she stores her task cards in these Dollar Tree containers. I have tons of task cards in my TPT wish list. I bought the containers and then used my Cricut machine to label them. I love how they turned out!


Now it's time to fill these containers with task cards!

We are in the process of redecorating some of the main areas of our home. Stay tuned for future Monday Made It's! I've been looking for a basket to put on my dining room table that was a distressed white or cream. I've looked everywhere. I have a vision of putting green moss balls in the basket. I found a basket that would work at TJ Maxx, but it was the wrong color. No problem! Spray paint to the rescue! It actually took coat after coat until I used an entire can of spray paint. It turned out nice, though. You can still see some dark spots, but it looks distressed so I'm good with it. Now to find green moss balls.

My final project for this week was a strange one. If you have followed my blog for the last couple of years, you'll know that I have a little classroom museum area with different finds of mine. Well, I was at the beach two weeks ago and found the shell of a horseshoe crab washed up on the beach (he was dead) with his tail still attached! I have one shell already that I found two years ago, but his tail was gone. I was SO excited to see that this crab A) had a tail and B) all of the meat/legs/etc. was already gone! So, I brought him/her home with me. I scrubbed and cleaned it and then used Shellac to preserve it! You just never know what neat things you'll find. I love finding things like this for my classroom. It makes me feel like a real life Ms. Frizzle! HA! 

I made two bingo games to play with my son who will be going into Kindergarten this coming year. One has sight words and the other has color words. I tried to remember as many sight words that was on his assessment for Kindergarten. I may have missed or have added a few, but it'll be a good start. He knows almost all of them, but we are still working on them and that. He LOVES to learn so we'll make these into a fun game to play this summer!

Have a great week, y'all!


  1. First, I love those containers... they look like a perfect storage solution and I love how you labeled them! Second, how cool is that horseshoe crab!!! Confession: I've never seen one. What a cool find and the fact that you were able to preserve it for your students!

  2. I love, love, love those containers!!! I keep swooning over a Cricut machine and would LOVE one but it's not in the budget. They sure make things look crisp and clean. Nice job!

  3. Those containers look so professional! I'm jealous!
    Applelight Moments By Stephanie

  4. Everything looks great! I love the blue and green bins. I have a ton of task cards as well. That looks like a good storage solution for all of them.

    Fit to be Fourth

  5. The kids will love the shell crab. Being that I use to teach Science, I don't think it is strange at all to keep things like that!

    Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie

  6. What a great idea for organizing task cards! I have so many task cards that are totally unorganized that I end up not even using them!


  7. Wowza! You have been busy! Love the containers!!! I need one of those machines that makes the cute letters!!! Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  8. So cute! I pinned your boxes!

  9. I love those boxes! You were very busy with your Cricut!! :) I love the basket, too! All of your projects are wonderful.

  10. Those containers are adorable. I love how you labeled them. Are the labels stickers? would they be easy to replace if needed?


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