Fun Finds

While I've been out shopping here and there, I've picked up a couple of fun finds for my classroom and thought I'd share some with you.  Honestly, I can't seem to go anywhere without finding something that I could use in my classroom!  As one of my friends told me, "You are ALWAYS a teacher and in teacher mode".  It's true.  

Target's dollar spot is always a favorite!  I found these cute to-do lists and lead pencils.  I picked up one of each for myself and one of each for my secret pal that I participate in at school each year.  I thought it'd be a cute and fun first week gift!
While shopping at Barnes and Noble, I've picked up the following books related to Social Studies.  Thanks to Brandee for the recommendations!  

While shopping at Toys-R-Us for my niece's birthday, I found this super cute owl bag for only $6.99.  Although I don't do anything in my classroom with owls, it was too cute to pass up.  It worked out great as a beach bag, but could be a cute teacher bag!
My favorite find of the summer are these chevron pillows from Hobby Lobby!  They were 80% off and will be perfect for my classroom.  Good luck finding any...they went super fast!  I also have a set of turquoise ones! Yay!

Have you found any good classroom finds lately?  

*Click here to follow me on Bloglovin'!  The doom of Google Reader is near!


  1. Too funny- I bought classroom supplies today, too. One week into summer vacation and I'm already shopping for school supplies. Ha! :)

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  2. I'm so jealous. Teachers here in England don't really shop for their rooms. I keep reading about Hobby Lobby and man I miss Target! I love your chevron pillows. I found some owl folders on sale for 40 cents the other day. Like you, I am not doing an owl theme, but they were way too cute to pass up.
    Love all your finds.


  3. I LOVE it all but especially the pillows! I have to drive an hour to get to a Target or even further for a Hobby Lobby so I LOVE these posts. Thanks for sharing, Heather

  4. I love everything you bought, especially The Butter Battle Book, but the owl bag and chevron pillows come in a close second! :) Thanks for the shout out! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  5. Oh my goodness! I love everything. I need to find those chevron pillows. I hope our Hobby Lobby has them (if Brandee doesn't beat me to it!). Thanks for sharing what you found :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  6. OMG Target dollar bins will be the death of me! (at least of my budget!) *grin* AMAZING book selection by the way! I am so jealous of the new history content you have! LOVE the butter battle book - i use it in class and talk to the kids about the cold war even though it is TOTALLY not in Early American History (ha!) Also, the Chocolate Pilot book LOVE THAT BOOK! I read that the kids too (I guess it's the history lover in me shinning through) Great buys :)

  7. SOOO funny I bought the same lime green chevron pillows at my local hobby lobby!
    Rock Stars At Work

  8. Essentials Hoodie
    Thanks for sharing this information


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