Wish List

During the last few weeks of school, we got an email from our assistant principal to be thinking about what we would want to include on a wish list for next year.  

I really tried to make a list of items that I *knew* I would use and that wasn't too expensive.  I thought I'd share my list with you!  First, I ordered more USA Studies Weekly magazines.  I got these for the first time last year.  I plan to utilize them more next year in 5th grade!  
We have an AWESOME vocabulary series, but the vocabulary workbooks (called Writer's Logs) were not ordered again this year so I added it to my wish list.

My new partner teacher uses this real world math set often in her classroom and really likes it so I thought it would be a good addition, too!
I found this History 6 book set, which covers several of our standards.  It's always good when you can integrate Literature into Social Studies.
All of the other items I included were materials that we use all the time in my classroom! Construction paper, of course...
Seems like you can never have enough glue! 
I have dry erase boards for every student, but I am always lacking dry erase markers.  Hopefully these will be ordered! :)
I am going to try using tape in our notebooks this year.  The teacher I am joining in 5th grade uses tape and likes it so I am giving it a try!

Last year on my wish list, I ordered book pouches for every student.  At a school I visited, I saw that she had hers hanging underneath her Smart Board using these hooks.  What a great use of what otherwise would be wasted space!
Each Monday we send home a weekly newsletter and I like to copy mine on colored paper.  They seem to stand out a little more than every other copy.  I love this bright paper from Office Depot so I requested a bright blue and bright yellow.   

What would you include on a classroom wish list? 


  1. You put some great things on your list! I am ALWAYS out of dry erase markers and glue!

  2. I am glad to hear you like the weekly social studies newspaper. I ordered it for my 4th grade social studies class this year. Seems like social studies is that class that gets overlooked a lot, so I'm hoping this will be the motivation I need.

    Have a great summer.


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