Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Teaching for her Five for Friday linky! This has been a busy week! We've gotten a lot done and have enjoyed time at home, too. We found an awesome playground near our house that we can play at when the weather cooperates. One day this week it was mid 60's (compared to the low 20's today), so we had a great time playing! When we left, E said, "That was the best play area I've ever been to!"
Since I am dedicating a week to a certain animal (based on what my son loves!) this week was "lion week". We read this book and even found a new lion book at Kroger this week. You just never know where you'll find a new book.
Easton first told me what he knew about lions. Pretty accurate!
We worked on the letter "L" in various ways. We did a Do-a-Dot activity (resource: Confessions of a Homeschooler), made the letter "L" with beans worked with stamps, and practiced writing it. As E writes it, he says to himself "Straight line down, line at the bottom" - whatever works for him, right?
This week I've been pinning several fine motor skill activities, as I see that is an area I want to work on with E. This week we did this quick fine motor skill activity with clothespins.
We also worked on colors and numbers 0-9. E knows all of his colors, but I figured it doesn't hurt to practice them. We played this color puzzle game (resource: Confessions of a Homeschooler).
We also worked on colors and numbers 0-9. E knows all of his colors, but I figured it doesn't hurt to practice them. We played this color puzzle game (resource: Confessions of a Homeschooler).
I placed numbers 0-9 out in random order and let him put them in the correct order. The first day he wasn't sure where to put 0 and it dawned on me that I've never focused on the number 0. I've always started with 1. #momfail We did this activity a second time on another day and he put the 0 first that time! It amazes me how quickly things soak in.
I ordered this jungle animal counting game from Zulily so we played it today! E loved it, of course, as he LOVES anything animal related.
We worked on a couple of lion crafts. The first one is a paper plate craft. E loved it! First, we painted the paper plate and let it dry overnight. Then, we added the mane and facial features. Clearly, I am not an art teacher! Haha! I really tried to just let him go with the flow and tried not to dictate where I thought things should go, etc. Leon the Lion is definitely interesting!
Our next craft came from the Dollar Tree. Can't beat a cute wooden lion craft for $1.00!
And a BIG accomplishment for me this week....I finished all of my paperwork to get my Georgia teaching license!! It's packaged and ready to be mailed! WOOOHOOO!
All the best with getting your Georgia license!!
Learning to be awesome
Best of luck with your Georgia license Lana!!! Little E looks absolutely adorable as a lion!