This is the day that I have been looking forward to during Teacher Week '13!! Classroom Tours...LOVE!! I have worked so hard on my classroom and it is getting so close to being exactly how I have envisioned it! It has truly been a work in progress over the past 6 years, but I am LOVING it this year! Prepare for picture overload!
This is the view standing at my door looking towards the back left. I love the colorful pom poms!
This is from the same spot, looking towards the front of the room.
As soon as you enter, on the left wall is my student cubbies.
I have a small area where our pencil sharpener is right by the cubbies. These framed inspirational quotes are perfect for that spot!
At the back of the room, I have several cabinets. On this cabinet I have displayed Math and Science Vocabulary Wall cards and pocket charts. This year we had to select which words we felt were "power words" in our Math units (as 5th grade teachers in our district). This area will be perfect for those words! I love that Math and Science vocabulary will be the focus of this area.
This is the storage right beside. It looks a little crowded because most of my Open House and 1st day materials are sitting there for now.
To the right of the storage cabinets is most of my teacher storage area and bulletin boards.
We make many anchor charts and since I only have two bulletin boards, I use them both to display our charts. Here you will also see baskets for white folders (weekly folders that are sent home) and graded papers, as well as our homework bin and other materials.
Beside that is my classroom museum display, which is new this year! I love all of the cool items I've collected and can't wait to add new items. I have a friend in Montana looking for something that is specific to Montana and I am hoping to find something Tennessee related, since that is where I am from.
These organizers house most of the materials that were in my desk. Last year I went desk-less and have loved it! The clear basket holds various read aloud's that I use during the year and the pink basket holds Social Studies read aloud's (picture books and novels) and Reading/Language Arts picture books that are used when teaching certain skills.
Next is more storage for various things from leveled readers to stickers! I also have two Tennessee VOLS teddy bears! Around here, most students are Carolina or Clemson fans, but this girl says "Go VOLS!" :)
This is a picture of the back area as a whole.
To the right of that area is my computer desk (that I snagged for only $10 at Goodwill) and my student computers, plus storage.
This is the view from my computer area looking back towards the door.
This is the view from the back wall and from my guided reading table/desk area.
Same spot, but looking towards my classroom library.
Same spot, looking towards the door.
This is the front of the room by the door. Here you see: my student desk covered in chevron fabric where I store all of the materials/copies that I will use for that day, student helpers and classroom ambassador signs and name-tags, district-wide lockdown poster (must have), and our bucket filling area!
These inspirational quotes are above the student desk at the front.
Close up of student helpers and class ambassadors...
This crayon wreath is a cute touch! I actually made it for a birthday party and then re-used it for my classroom after adding school stickers.
This part of the board will have the date at the top, today's goals and today's homework once school starts back. Confession: today's goal and today's homework actually needs to be switched. Homework should be on the left. Oops!
This chevron welcome banner is currently in front of my Smart Board for Open House.
On the left of the board is: Common Core "I Can" statements, idiom chart, and a pocket chart that will hold our weekly vocabulary charts.
Below that is bins that will hold each table's Math manipulatives for each unit. We will grab these for Math and then put them back here at the end of the lesson. You will also see 3 holders that hold popsicle stick with student numbers. One is for first drafts, one is for editing & revising, and one is for final drafts. Hopefully this will help me track who is working on what during Writer's Workshop.
And classroom library! I have really worked hard on this area this summer. I bought all new bins at Big Lots (in the colors I've always wanted!) and designed new labels. I also love the chevron pillows, Snapshots of the Year timeline, owl pillow, and rainbow colored tissue balls.
This book has my calendar above. I love the way it looks!
This is a close up picture of that bookshelf.
This is my bigger bookshelf with photos on the top. This is also the area for our classroom fish, Swimmy, but he's still living at my house!
Above that bookshelf is our "READ" banner and our classroom schedule.
This is a look at my last bookshelf with the Snapshots of the Year timeline.
Closer up photo...
These bins are sitting a supply desk at each group. Some groups have these blue bins and some have pink.
I've had a lot of people ask if these labels are available on TPT. The background is only available for personal use, not commercial use, which means I cannot sell products with that background. However, I have created these with a similar brightly colored chevron background. If you are interested, click here to go to my store.
And that my friends is my 5th grade classroom! I love it! :)
I love your book spaces, the colours in your room are wonderful
ReplyDeletePaula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths
ReplyDeleteYour room looks fabulous. Your kids are so lucky.
Wow! Looks great! I'd love to have that amount of space in my classroom! Love the classroom museum shelves.
ReplyDeleteLittle Dot
Your room is so big! Love the colors. Did you make those large pop-poms?... Or did you buy them from somewhere?
ReplyDeleteHave a great school year.
I love how you've used bright colors everywhere! Looking good!
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful classroom!!! Your color theme is a perfect combination. Your students are lucky to have you!
1, 2, Eyes On You!
I love all the colors!!! I am curious where you go the inspirational quotes from?
Terri's Teaching Treasures
Love your room! I love the shower caddies as supply caddies :)
Thirsty Firsties
I'm in love with practically everything you have in your room! I adore your bulletin boards and just how colorful your room is...very inviting :)
Sliding Into Second Grade
Your room looks great! It actually has a lot of the same colors as mine! I really love the orange chevron and teal lamp! I'd love to steal it! I'd love for you to come check out my room!
Keep Calm and Hoot On
Wow, it looks wonderful! So bright and cheerful. Loving the snapshots idea...might have to steal that!
Teachery Tidbits
I love all of your inspirational quotes that you have up! So cute!
Turtley Loving Teaching
Your room looks really good! Thanks for sharing!
Totally diggin' on your classroom! I seriously want to hang out in your library on those adirondack chairs, and chill out with a good book. VERY nice job!
Teaching Powered by Caffeine
Your room is adorable! I love how bright it is.
The 2nd Grade Surprise
Lana, your room turned out beautifully!!! Some things look familiar to my own room and I knew they would (great minds think alike)! Now, the question is....when are you coming to help with my classroom!?!
Short and Sassy Teacher
Lana, your classroom is amazing! I love how neat and clutter-free it is, but still with a lot of engaging and colorful things to look at! You probably have the coolest 5th grade classroom I've ever seen! I especially love your HUGE anchor chart bulletin boards and your classroom library area. Your 5th graders are lucky to have you! Your museum area is super cool! I love the name you came up with :) I found a horseshoe crab shell at Hilton Head this summer!
ReplyDeleteYour room looks GREAT! Love the colors!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
This is awesome, Lana!!! It is so inviting!
Wow your room has to much decoration in it PS. I have alot to :)
ReplyDeleteRows are commonly regarded as the ideal arrangement for direct education methods. Pupils all face forward, able to see and hear the teacher well, massage center karachi and the teacher can see and hear them all clearly as well.