Open House - Check

I am just popping in REAL quick...I went back to work this week and I am EXHAUSTED. My feet hurt. I've taken headache medicine every day. And I'm only 3 days in - without students. Ha!

We had Open House today and I met 22 of my 25 students. It seems like I have a good group. Some kids were ready for school to start, others not so much. Oh boy, do I understand!

Here is a quick snapshot of my table that I had set up for Open House. Nothing too fancy - a sign in sheet, a reminder to go to the gym for certain information, a classroom wish list, etc.
We have students on Friday! Hopefully I'll post after I survive the first day! 


  1. 22 out of 25 is great! I hope Friday goes well!

    Having Class

  2. I hope you have a classroom of cuties! I just got my class list and boy oh boy! I spy some chevron library!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  3. Good luck! Where did you get your stools?

  4. Where did you get your blue stools? They are too cute!

  5. Be cautious of high fees associated with certain check cashing services.
    Giant Food check cashing details


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